An Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a plan for special services for young children with developmental delays. An IFSP only applies to children from birth to three years of age. Once a child turns 3 years old, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is put into place.

The major difference between an IFSP & an IEP is that an IFSP focuses on the child & family & the services that a family needs to help enhance development. The IEP focuses on the educational needs of the child. An IEP is an education document for children 3-21.

If this is your first IEP meeting, you and the rest of the team will develop your child’s first IEP. After that, you’ll meet every year to update and revise the IEP to reflect the child’s current strengths/needs. A thorough evaluation is required every 3 years.

Students IEPs are designed base on their unique needs; therefore, each IEP will look different. IEPs at a glance must contain: Annual educational goals, Accommodations & modifications, Supplementary aids & services; these resource are for servicing teachers.